This rhyming illustrated children's book tells the story of two troll brothers Barklee and Norris. The brothers can only see things from a negative point of view. They live in the forest near Allyssa the unicorn. Allyssa can see all the beauty around her. With the help of Allyssa and her magical spyglass, the brothers learn to appreciate the forest and the beauty it holds.
This rhyming illustrated children's book
tells the story of two troll brothers Barklee and Norris.
The brothers can only see things from a negative point of view.
They live in the forest near Allyssa the unicorn.
Allyssa can see all the beauty around her.
With the help of Allyssa and her magical spyglass,
the brothers learn to appreciate the forest
and the beauty it holds.
You can choose to be grumpy,unhappy, and blueor choose to see all the good that is around you.
See below for a sneak peek at some of the pages
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