
Carmine Helps Out

Carmine Helps Out!
This rhyming illustrated children's book tells a tale 
of saving our environment. 
Specifically, trash around the ocean 
and the harm it can do our sea friends.

See below for a sneak peek at some of the pages 
and a synopsis of the book.

Helen the seagull finds herself in a tangle
when grumpy Carmine the blue crab comes to her aid.
Carmine frees her from plastic tangled around her wing
and helps her home.

Along the way, they find that plastics 
and trash around the beach are also trouble
for Walter the whale

and Lizzy the turtle.

Even Carmine gets himself in a bind of his own.

A pink pelican and a couple of children 
come up with an idea to clean up the beach.

And the story. of course, it has a happy ending!

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